Beauty along the way | Wandertag

One of the things that I loved about Germans is their passion for walking. If you love running/ walking, then you will adore Germany. It was a bit shock to me seeing how people just loved to walk. Nordic walking is quite  popular  and Volkslauf on the weekends in the forest paths are long part of German culture. Walking is a lifestyle and Wandertags are simply delightful for families,and  something that I always look forward to do once given a chance. It makes me smile seeing ‘older’ people walking relentlessly, with their hiking sticks and trekking stuffs. They are so active, so full of life. No matter what the weather is,they are out there, walking. Just don’t walk on their cycling paths, it’s a different story!

‘Shadow cast’

Since the time that we’ve moved here, there’s never a day that we didn’t take a walk. Minus the days that the weather is so gloomy and grey. Even if it’s just in the neighborhood to calm the cranky toddler. Aside from the usual weekend strolls we always paved to post-dinner walks. I got used to seeing that it’s  still bright at 8pm, still nice to be out. Working hours is less  stressful compared to Kuwait so I find it perfect to have  quality time with family even after work.

Another reason to be out walking is to see the beauty after it rained. Lately these are the treasures I find while roaming around.

Finding beauty along the way. Like a tiny drop of water from a flower soon– it will disappear. This moment should be frozen. In a photo like this.

Coming from the Middle East that most people shun the sight of sun because it’s too hot to leisurely walk outside, especially from  summer months of April~October, walking is not a norm. The soles of your shoes will soon fall out!

A Refreshing view of the buds still wet from the morning mist of rain showers. Simple life treasures to behold.

Let alone that  footpaths are not a norm nor  cycling paths. In the PH, either you walk while you drenched in sweat because of humidity or you just wanna kill time. Either way, walking is something of a personal choice.It’s something that you do because you need to do it, not because you enjoy doing it.

What I like about Wandertags is the access of finding the Beauty along the Way. Calling it rather as your subconscious exploration , or whatever. Have you noticed how your thoughts wander while you walk? There’s so much beauty of nature for me to appreciate. I am always amazed. I never get too tired to gaze upon it.

This is why I love how Johanna shares her “Monday Walk” adventures . Walking alone is rejuvenating if you crave peace & quiet but walking with company is even more exciting. Have you  tried finding inner peace while walking & roaming just like RestlessJo ‘s passion?

Nature’s pallete–  A ray of different colors in one flower. A metamorphosis of beauty that only the patient soul can find.

I was even more motivated to follow this path knowing that it brings good to your soul. There’s something about walking and discovering beauty in all its forms in any way. Just like the way  Annette of Beauty Along The Road ‘s approach to life, savoring life’s simple pleasures.

I wouldn’t discover these  if I had not taken the guts to walk, sweat out & explore by having the right attitude. I am glad that in these exploration, I was able to freeze the moment where nature just magically display its splendor. I’m glad my iPhone is always handy to take photos of these sights.I called them iSights.

In the end, I said to myself, that I don’t really  have the right to complain about life. There’s so much goodness in it. So much beauty. Along the Way.

What’s your opinion about walking? Do you like it?

Tell me how you find it as  more than a form of exercise. I’m looking forward to hear your own stories if you have.

Thank you for reading my friends and Happy Walking!



11 thoughts on “Beauty along the way | Wandertag

  1. I’ve always been a walker 🙂 Lovely post and great topic! Funny what you said about not walking on the cycling paths – it’s the same here! Cyclists go ballistic if you stray on their side of the sidewalk even for a moment, like to not step on a puppy or some other good reason. Cyclist road rage. Anyway, us walking enthusiasts, we’re much calmer and in general just nicer people, hahah! 😉 Like you said, I love the discovery of walking, seeing things, being more present.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you so much for the mention. 🙂 I didn’t get a pingback so I’ve just come across this by accident. I’m so happy you can get out into nature and enjoy all that’s there. Happy walking! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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